Eidos-Project Eidos-Project

Healthy nutrition for everyone

News & reports


Amazon's predatory, discriminatory and abusive policies

As is well known, Amazon, with its KDP 'on-demand' publishing system, has a monopoly on the sale of both digital and print publications.

With Amazon's KDP publishing system, print publications published by authors are printed on demand so, in theory they are always available for purchase on Amazon from anywhere in the world, although this is not always the case.

Amazon is a company that stands out for exercising not only monopolistic but also exploitative and abusive policies against employees, merchants, sellers and authors, including its own customers.

On Amazon, freedom and equal rights do not exist.

I am one more victim of Amazon. A few months ago, thanks to a reader who wanted to buy one of my books I was able to find out how Amazon determines who can and cannot sell, to the financial detriment of the authors. In this way, Amazon also is controliing the sale of quantities of each publication.

Amazon accepts to publish books from authors in their KDP system where the books that are sold are printed on demand. When Amazon wants to restrict freedom and discriminate against someone, they simply put an "Unavailable" sign on the published book page and the author is screwed and earns nothing. That thing appears at the moment when some buyer want to proceed to buy a publication.

This discriminatory and abusive policy financially harms authors who have invested time in writing their book and in advertising.

The Strong Health - La Salud de Hierro

The image captured of a reader who wanted to buy my book is the proof of how Amazon treats many authors. It is an example of the way to ban the sale of a book, especially if it does not suit certain interests, such as my books "The Strong Health" and its translation "La Salud de Hierro".

Those who have and follow the nutritional recommendations in this book will be able to have an optimal health and improve all their health conditions. Apparently, the content of this book is not very convenient for many industries related to health because it allows people to improve their health, save money by investing less resources in the health industry, such as in the purchase of many medications.

For example, people with cholesterol and high blood pressure can achieve normal cholesterol and blood pressure values by practicing certain nutritional guidelines.

On the other hand, Amazon only has abusive and predatory policies such as its Prime system with which it once tried to scam me trying to force me to pay for that subscription by illegally using my credit card to get money against my will. Upon my complaint to the bank, Amazon had to return my money.

With subscriptions to their Prime system, Amazon makes millions of dollars without working! The Prime system is only convenient if you buy a lot. On the other hand, Amazon's prices are not always the most convenient.

By the way, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is a Zionist Jew! Draw your own conclusions!

The publication that could have saved millions of lives

Shortly after the CoVid-19 pandemic appeared, as a product of my scientific research based on my theory that a lot of health problems have a solution in nature, I found a simple, inexpensive and very effective solution to deal with Covid-19.

When I wanted to publish the publication on Amazon, it was blocked because it undoubtedly went against the interests of big laboratories that were looking, in addition to making fortunes, to have millions of free human guinea pigs.

La cura natural del covid

It had found, according to scientific works, that the coronavirus could be effectively combated with some medicinal herbs that produced phytochemicals very useful in dealing with the infection.

Testing a possible natural solution did not cost anything, especially when no vaccine had yet been produced.

One of those medicinal herbs that I found to be very useful in combating Covid-19 is licorice.

Licorice is a plant that produces more than 400 phytochemicals and is one of the most potent natural antibiotics in nature.

To avoid getting sick with the coronavirus, it is only necessary to drink one cup of tea o licorice per day.

Whenever I got infected while shopping in supermarkets, the contagion did not go beyond a mild sore throat that disappeared completely in two days.

During the pandemic I had the opportunity to be in contact with a person who had been infected with the coronavirus and was very ill. To help her I offered her to drink licorice tea twice a day and the result was amazing. She had been able to sleep very well during the night, the fever was practically gone and she could breathe with relief. In less than a week she was cured. When I was in contact with this person, I never used any protective equipment or mask and I never got sick either.

When the vaccines appeared, I never allowed myself to be vaccinated because the vaccine that they promoted as Hansen's vaccine was not such. The Hansen's vaccine only uses antigens or attenuated microorganisms as antigens to promote an immune response and the anti-covid vaccine that was administered I considered and consider it dangerous because it is the result of the creation of a biotechnologically modified virus, that is to say that it is a microorganism manipulated with biotechnology that is inserted in the human genome after being inoculated, therefore that is not the true Hansen's vaccine as it was promoted, and of course, I did not want to become one more of their millions of human guinea pigs.

As the laboratories wanted to have millions of human guinea pigs for free, they were not allowed to spread or to allow the attempt to test natural solutions. It did not matter if millions of people died. The most important thing was to experiment on millions of human guinea pigs with a vaccine containing a biotechnologically modified virus and see the results over time.

As it is common knowledge, today the laboratory AstraZeneca had to withdraw its vaccine from the market due to all the adverse effects it causes and, as if that were not enough, at the same time some 'news' appeared that would have us believe that the vaccine has positive effects to 'extend life'.

During the pandemic I was surprised to see how outbreaks of coronavirus appeared in remote parts of the world and how in some shopping malls, in order to allow buyers to enter, they asked to have the proof of 'good handwriting' asking for the vaccination certificate. I never agreed to comply with this imposition, so I refused to enter looking for other alternatives. I was never willing to become another human laboratory guinea pig. Becoming an experimental laboratory specimen was out of the question.

Are all 'healthy nutrition' programs really convenient?

On many occasions we hear in the media and in the health system talk about 'healthy nutrition'. But, everything that is disseminated and everything that is sold to us in food stores under the label of 'healthy nutrition', is it really healthy nutrition? The answer is, no! Many times what they want to sell us is subliminally linked to misleading commercial promotions that promote products 'as healthy' can be not save or harmful to our health.

An example of this is protein-enriched foods that can end up causing serious and dangerous nutritional imbalances with the abusive eating of proteins that can cause serious health problems, such as obesity, cardiovascular disorders, kidney and liver problems and calcium loss, among other health problems.

An adult eating about 100 grams of good quality meats, such as white meat chicken, turkey, rabbit and fish would have the necessary proportions of all the adequate amino acids required daily for a good health.

Knowledge is gold, promoting books, lectures and courses that aim to effectively improve health is not suitable for multiple industries, such as some food and health industries because everything that is promoted with the label of healthy is not always healthy. With serious promotion of Healthy Nutrition programs, such industries could lose a lot of money. For example, in the aforementioned case of the effect of foods with excess protein, with knowledge of its effects on health, its sale could decrease substantially to practically null, in other cases, the pharmaceutical industry would stop selling many drugs and in medicine many patients would be reduced by improving their health considerably.

This is one of the reasons why Amazon does not allow the sale of the book La Salud de Hierro and its translation The Strong Health. With a good healthy nutrition program it is possible to promote an excellent state of health, prevent, reverse and even cure many diseases that are the product of deficient and unbalanced nutritional states.

Knowingly, people who start the healthy eating program proposed in The Strong Health can improve their health considerably in a few months and children can grow up with extraordinary health. The physical and intellectual performance acquired is incredible. People feel much younger and more dynamic. Sleep problems will disappear to give way to restful sleep. The immune system will be greatly strengthened. They will always have a very good mood. Depressions and tiredness will be forgotten.

With a good healthy nutrition programs people can save a lot of money but many industries would miss out on succulent profits.

The importance of healthy nutrition education programs to improve health and to save money.

Nutrition benefits

The implementation of a healthy nutrition subject in the primary and high school education cycles could be extremely useful to improve the health of the population by helping to change eating habits for nutrition schemes that are beneficial to health and at the same time save money on food purchases.

Due to lack of knowledge and the influence of misleading advertising campaigns detrimental to health, many people spend more money and inappropriately feed themselves with foods that ultimately have a negative influence on their health, causing problems of malnutrition and nutritional imbalances. As a result, the problem of obesity and multiple diseases associated with metabolic syndrome and different types of cancer is on the rise.

Health problems, as is well known, not only cause economic issues for individuals but also for the health system, together with saturation and long waiting lists at the different levels of health care.

Also, due to lack of knowledge about the properties of food, social nutrition programs are implemented to help people with low resources, which are often nutritionally deficient and detrimental to health, increasing many health problems. For example, the distribution of foods made with white flour only serve to mitigate hunger, favoring obesity among other nutritional diseases.

If healthy nutrition education programs based on the Eidos food pyramid were implemented, many unhealthy nutritional habits could be reversed. This would result in better health with prevention of many diseases, saving money at the personal level and in the health care system.

With knowledge, people could make better food choices and benefit both their economy and their health and quality of life.

Knowledge is gold!

Controversies of food assistance programs

Food aid programs are essential to prevent malnutrition for all economically disadvantaged people in the world.

In the implementation of these food programs, not only the state social services offices play a fundamental role, but also all the non-governmental organizations that participate with these aids.

Many of these benefits often turn out to be controversial because a number of foods that are included in the distribution of benefits are not entirely appropriate to solve the problem of undernutrition since they include foods that are more likely to satiate hunger but are deficient in the supply of good quality nutrients and therefore ultimately contribute to promote diseases associated with metabolic syndrome and undernutrition.

Among the foods of poor nutritional quality that are usually distributed in these aid programs are foods made with white flour such as pasta and white bread, white rice, sugar, foods with added sugar, canned vegetables saturated with carbohydrates, ultra-processed foods, fried tomatoes, among others.

In these cases, trying to satisfy hunger with this kind of food is not only contributing to end up significantly harming health but also increasing the health care requirements to solve additional health problems that result in increased costs for the health care system.

As for the difference in cost of distributing good quality food, it is practically negligible. For example, the cost of whole foods and foods made with whole grains is no more or much more than foods made with white flour and grains stripped of most of their useful nutrients beneficial to health.

The acceptance of whole foods and foods of good nutritional quality can be achieved with the dissemination of flyers that explain in a simple way their importance in health and in the fight against undernutrition.

It should be noted that the distribution of food with poor nutritional properties is not due to an attitude of contempt towards the people in need on the part of all the institutions that provide these services, but to the lack of real knowledge about the nutritional properties of food on the part of the staff of these institutions.

The main solution to this controversial problem is to have in the food aid programs trained staff with knowledge of the nutritional properties of foods, to have foods with nutritional properties beneficial to health and to have a nutrition education plan for people in need.

With knowledge, great things can be achieved!