The benefits of having a healthy nutrition
Healthy nutrition is very beneficial to achieve an excellent health and a good level of productivity and a physical performance.
With a healthy diet based on natural foods, many diseases can be prevented and kept away.
People who are undergoing medical treatments due to health problems, when they choose to adopt a healthy nutrition based on the inclusion of foods that are part of the Eidos food pyramid, begin to improve considerably in their medical treatments and have a better quality of life.
Vegetables, besides providing all the nutritional requirements composed of macronutrients —carbohydrates, fats and proteins— and micronutrients —vitamins and minerals— are producers of phytochemicals that promote health in different ways, which help to prevent many diseases and ailments.
People who have a completely healthy eating pattern accompanied by a daily exercise program tend to feel much younger than their age, have more energy and are much more productive.
The dilemma of nutrition programs for fighting obesity
Obesity is a scourge of our times due mostly to poor dietary practices largely related to negative social influences and patterns.
There are currently a large number of weight loss diets, but most of them are based on nutritional programs that are dangerous for health.
There are no miracle diets for weight loss.
Most existing weight loss diets not only restrict calorie intake, but also restrict the intake of vital nutritional requirements necessary to maintain a good health. In addition to this, there is also an imbalance of macronutrients.
Many nutritional programs designed for fighting obesity fail because they are often based on nutritionally restrictive programs, not only in calories, but also in vital daily requirements that could seriously put at risk the health.
They are usually dangerous nutritional programs that rather than helping, harm health. When these diets are carried out, the body suffers due to the restrictive diet to which it is subjected. In addition to having to overcome the imperious desire to eat, problems of physical performance, fatigue, sleep and mood problems, among other issues, usually appear. To overcome these inconveniences, in most cases, the effects caused by restrictive diets are 'solved' by prescribing drugs of various natures, but which in general have negative impacts on health with contraindications and adverses effects.
With these diets based on restrictive nutrition programs, most of the time the desired goal is not achieved and when it is achieved, in the time the initial weight is regained and, even worse, a higher weight is reached than when the diet was started. The final result is a considerable deterioration of health.
This phenomenon is due to the fact that dietary restrictions affect the metabolism and physiology of the organism causing serious imbalances.
Both mono-diets and nutrient-deficient diets are responsible for producing nutritional imbalances that could harm seriously the health. Among the symptoms that usually appear, are suffering from 'hunger', exhaustion, low energy performance, headaches and mood problems such as depression, among other symptoms.
The solution to this problem is to carry out a healthy nutrition program with an integral diet that allows adjusting calories over time according to the real needs without restricting the daily nutritional requirements for the proper functioning of the organism and that also leads to a natural physiological adaptation.
Eating to much proteins is dangerous
Unless indicated by the physician for particular reasons, diets rich in protein are not advisable because they produce an imbalance of macronutrients.
Any food imbalance can lead to serious health problems leaving some kind of sequelae.
The consumption of 'protein bars' and any other nutritional supplement or food with excess or added protein is discouraged.
Eating to much proteins can cause or increase the risk of contracting cancer, can cause weight loss which can be regained in a short time, can cause kidney damage, bad breath, cholesterol and can cause cardiovascular disease among other health issues.
Don't gamble with your health!
The balanced intake of nutrients
The intake of nutrients —macronutrients and micronutrients— in a balanced way can only be achieved through a daily consumption of varied foods promoted by the Eidos food pyramid and in culinary servings.
Through a diet with a variety of natural products and in different proportions is how you will be able to satisfy in a balanced way all the vital nutrients for a healthy living.
A well-balanced diet naturally provides to you the right proportions of macronutrients —carbohydrates, fats, proteins— and the necessary values of micronutrients —vitamins and minerals— for having an optimal health:
A varied diet mainly plenty of vegetables provides in a natural way all the right amont of the macronutrients for a healthy living: Total fats 15-30%. Total carbohydrates 55-75%. Total protein 10-15%.
How to fight obesity without put health at risk
Fighting obesity in the right way without put your health at risk is completely possible.
Eidos diet allows to design nutrition programs by adjusting calories requirements to the needs without restricting the vital daily nutritional requirements for a good health and a good lifstyle.
To combat obesity, the Eidos diet is based on nutritional programs that allow to build diets that are composed by all the healthy foods promoted by the Eidos food pyramid.
The good thing about this nutritional program for weight loss is that it allows adjusting and regulating the daily calories requirements without compromising the daily nutritional vital requirements. People who follow the Eidos diet usually experience a good physiological adaptation of the body to the new dietary patterns without having to take drugs.
The Eidos diet is promoting on people good health and mood, productivity, energy level and rejuvenation.
The nutritional reference program should be accompanied by a daily exercise program and an adequate hydration program with infusions with functional and nutraceutical properties beneficial to health.
The Eidos diet is a satiating diet and the program requires a distribution of food intakes during the day distributed in adequate percentage proportions.
It is recommended to distribute the calories intake throughout the day as follows: 20% at breakfast, 10% at mid-morning and afternoon snack, 35% at lunch and 25% at dinner.
With this nutrition program, it will be difficult to reach again the original weight.
The danger of consuming nutritional supplements
Consuming nutritional supplements of any nature without a doctor's prescription could cause serious health issues, such as intoxication and even death.
For example, fat-soluble vitamins, so that is, vitamins that are diluted in body fats, such as vitamins A, E, D and K, accumulate in fatty tissues and excesses of these vitamins in the body can cause serious intoxications and even lead to death.
The only way to have all the nutrients in a balanced and in healthy way is that the intake of these nutrients occurs through a varied and balanced diet based on the recommendations of the Eidos food pyramid having a diet mainly plenty of vegetables.
Only eating a variety of foods in culinary servings will ensure that you get all the nutrients in the right amounts.
Role of vitamins and minerals in health
Vitamins and minerals are part of the vital daily requirements for a good health.
Both a lack and excess intake of these micronutrients —vitamins and minerals— can cause serious nutritional diseases and even death.
For example, the lack of total intake of fresh foods containing vitamin C for fifteen days induces the development of scurvy; a deficiency in the intake of foods rich in iron leads to anemia; the excess of the intake of liposuble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K can produce serious intoxications.
The only way to meet all the daily nutritional requirements in a safe way is through eaiting a variety of healthy foods in culinary servings.
The intake of vitamins and minerals as nutritional supplements can be very harmful and dangerous to health if not prescribed by a medical professional.
Vegans who do not accept to eat even foods and products from animals must be supervised by a medical professional. © 2016- 2025