Goodbye to cavities
Believe it or not, there is a very simple and inexpensive way to prevent the recurrence of cavities.
Simply, it is necessary to drink a green tea without sugar or to take a mouthful of this drink after cleaning the teeth. If you need to sweeten the tea, use xylitol or stevia, which are functional sweeteners that oral bacteria cannot use them because microorganisms cannot metabolize these molecules.
If cholurios are used, the treatment with mouthwashes or green tea ingestion has to be done at the end.
The dentist will eventually confirm this miracle!
The secret to get all the benefits of garlic
If you really want to take advantage of all the benefits of garlic, just mince it with a few drops of water at room temperature and let it macerate for several minutes.
This macerate should be poured over the pre-prepared food just before serving.
With this procedure you will notice that your dishes will have a particular flavor and aroma and will possess all the beneficial properties of garlic.
Garlic has an inactive molecule, alliin, which by the action of the enzyme alliinase, is converted into an active molecule, allicin, which is the compound that gives to garlic all its beneficial properties.
If garlic is put together with the food to be cooked, it loses all its properties because the enzyme alliinase is destroyed by the heat of cooking and therefore cannot convert alliin into alliinase.
Trouble falling asleep and getting to sleep?
Many people have trouble falling asleep and sleeping and do not get a restful night's sleep.
Most of these people, many times, use drugs to solve the problem of insomnia and sleep disorders, but these drugs often produce addictions, often do not fulfill their tasks efficiently and often have contraindications and adverse effects. That is to say that these drugs, besides not solving efficiently the problem of sleep, induce to ingest more and more, producing dangerous addictions.
In nature there are a number of molecules known as adaptogens that contribute to modulate and stabilize in a natural way many biological processes without producing addictions.
For example, jasmine flowers and leaves possess these properties. Drinking a cup of jasmine tea before going to sleep helps people fall asleep and have an extraordinarily restful sleep without causing any addiction. People who drink this tea wake up feeling extraordinarily well, experience a restful sleep and have a day full of energy and productivity.
Jasmine tea can be combined with hibiscus and rose hips flowers to enhance the effects of the adaptogenic properties.
Other teas that can be used for inducing sleep and sleep better are ginger tea, chamomile tea and lettuce leaf tea.
Most of the times, natural solutions to many health problems are found in nature.
How to enhance the properties of turmeric
Turmeric is a spice that has many health benefits.
To take full advantage of all the benefits of turmeric, it is advisable to use it together with a little black pepper powder. In this way turmeric will be 2000 times more bioactive.
It is not recommended to use parsley and cloves at the same time because they have an antagonistic effect with turmeric, because they inhibit its bioactivity.
How to avoid salting food
Like sugar, salt is a health poison. Salt is responsible for deteriorating health and producing various diseases, such as favoring osteosporosis and producing cardiovascular diseases, among other problems.
Salt, like sugar, is a condiment with addictive effects. It increasingly requires foods to be saltier.
One way to avoid salting food is to season dishes very well with different spices that have beneficial health properties that give food attractive flavors.
Recommended spices to replace salt include garlic, ginger, black pepper, chili and cumin.
By seasoning each of your daily meals very well, you will see how you can abandon salt to enjoy different flavors produced by phytochemicals that are beneficial to your health.
Sugar alternatives with the best sweeteners
Sugar, like salt, is a health poison and is a highly addictive food that must to be replaced.
Currently there are only two natural sweeteners that have functional food properties that greatly benefit health, they are xylitol and stevia.
Xylitol looks and tastes very similar to sugar. Stevia, although it is 300 times sweeter than sugar, is often rejected by people because of its particular taste.
Xylitol is obtained from birch and stevia from Stevia reubadiana. These sweeteners have been consumed for more than 100 years and have not been shown to have adverse health effects.
At first, xylitol may cause some diarrhea, especially in people who do not have a diet that favors the intestinal biota. Usually xylitol does not cause problems, particularly if consumed in normal amounts and especially if foods that improve intestinal biota such as Greek yogurt and kefir are included in the diet.
As functional foods, these sweeteners, since they cannot be metabolized by microorganisms, help to prevent tooth decay. Among the benefits of xylitol, it favors bone hardness, decreasing the degree of osteosporosis.
There are a number of sweeteners on the market, but none of them have been shown to be safe.
Xylitol has 2 kcal per gram and stevia 0 kcal.
What about erythritol?
Erythritol is a natural sweetener obtained from molasses that has the same properties as sugar in terms of appearance and sweetness.
Unfortunately, although it is a natural sweetener, it can end up causing death.
Recent scientific studies have found that 10% of this sweetener remains in the body and cannot be degraded or eliminated from the body. As a consequence, platelet aggregations are formed that end up causing heart attacks. © 2016- 2025