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NutriScience for everybody

Nutritional Assessment

Nutritional Assessment

Nutritional Assessment

Nutritional Assessments are useful to determine the nutritional status of a person since they can detect and identify potential nutritional and health issues. By performing a few body measurements such as weight, height, waist and hip circumference, it is possible to know the Body Mass Index (BMI) a parameter used for diagnosing obesity and the fat below the abdomen predicting if there is health risks related with an increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

People that appreciate their health should have Nutritional Assessments, specially those that have diet with reduced calories for losing weight, to know if their diet satisfies their daily and weekly nutritional needs. It is important to be able to correct deficient nutritional issues to prevent and avoid health problems; because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Personal nutritional status can be assessed by software like as Nutrigenic Helper, that supports a complete nutritional program for evaluating macronutrients and micronutrients, quality of fatty acids and amino acids as well the phytochemical food composition and anthopometric measurements.


[1] Woods, Margo N. Nutrition Assessment I & II. Tufts University School of Medicine.
[2] Jeejeebhoy, Khursheed N. 2000. Nutritional Assessment. Nutrition Vol. 16 7/8.

Get Now Your Nutritional Assessment

Getting your nutritional assessment you can know if you are well nourished or if your diet is nutrient deficient. Knowing your nutritional status you will be able to make corrections on your diet that benefit your health.

Now, we are offering online services of personal nutritional assessment. You just need recording your daily foods intake, send us all the information we need following our instructions and you will get by e-mail in a pdf file your nutritional assessment with a complete report of the properties of your diet. For performing your personal nutritional assessment in the wright way we need you provide us your height, weight and the date of your birthday; waist and hip circumferences are optional data.

Three and seven days nutritional assessment plans are available. If you chose 3 days nutritional assessment you will asked to record your daily food intake during three days of a week while if you chose 7 days nutritional assessment, the best option, you must record during the seven days, acomplete week, your daily food intake.

In the case that some serving in your diet is a combination of several food such as a paella, a salads, a bouillabaisse, a guiso, etc. you will need to send us the ingredients of the recipe of the food following our instruction. Also, it is important to include the food brand of commercial foods such as bread, ravioli, oils, etc.

For recording the foods you intake each day and getting information about our nutritional assessment report you can find the information in the section Online Computarized Nutritional Assessment Services.

Order now your Nutritional Assessmet.


U$S 120.00

You save U$S 20.00


U$S 60.00

Basic Plan

Online Computarized Nutritional Assessment Services

With our Online Computarized Nutritional Assessment Plan Services you will be able to know about your nutritional status and if you have health risks associated with low or high intakes identified by the nutritional assessment. Recording the data we need is easy. Here you will find useful information about getting all the data you need to provide us for performing your computarized nutritional assessment. You just need follow the example about how to record you daily foods intaked in your diet, recording some personal data following the recommendations for getting the basic anthropometric measurements required. After you you send us by e-mail all the data we need, you will receive as soon we process your data a complete report of your nutritional assessment. The 7days nutritional assessment is the best choice because it will give to you a better panorama of your nutritional status. Our nutritional assessment is designed for adults 18 years or older.

Selecting your Nutritional Assessment Plan

After you have selected and paid for yor Nutritional Assesment Plan you will recive by e-mail the instructions for recording the data we need acording to the Nutritional Assesment Plan you selected.

  1. 7 Days Nutritional Assessment.
  2. This is the best choice. You need to record your dialy food intake during a complete week following the example below for recording daily food intaked for each day until to complete the 7 days.

  3. 3 Days Nutritional Assessment

This is the basic option. You need to record your dialy food intake during 3 days in the week. You must chose 2 days in the week that you have two different regular diet in the week and 1 day on weekend that your diet is diferent of the regular diet.

Example of How to Record your Daily Foods Intake

Record your daily food intake following the model for each day. If you are eating a composed food we need that you provide us the food component used in the recipe that you need to write at the bottom of the day food intaked. Both, you can wight the ingredients in the full recipe or the ingredients of the composed food that you have in your plate, in that case the weight of the sum of the component must be the weight of the portion in your plate. Our software is able to calculate the values of each ingredients in your plate from the ingredients in the full recipe. When is applicable, please write the brand of the food because in some cases could be an important information. If you use 12 hours format, d'ont forget specify AM and PM.

Record your daily food intake in a txt file following the model below.

Date: day, month, year

Food description
07:30 200 ml Coffe Colombian express (Coffe maker)  
07:30 40 ml Milk low fat  
07:30 70 gr white bread Wonder
07:30 15 gr Mermelada Orange Smuker's
07:30 60 gr Mozzarella Block Silani
10:00 120 gr Sandwich (1)  
10:00 340 ml Coca-cola diet  
13:00 130 gr Chicken roasted with skin  
13:00 150 gr Rice white boiled  
13:00 90 gr Black beans  
13:00 340 ml Coca-cola diet  
13:00 110 gr Muffin blueberry  
13:00 240 ml Coffe expreso, black  
13:00 10 gr Sugar  
17:30 1 Big Mac Hamburger with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and onion McDonald
17:30 100 gr French fries McDonald
17:30 340 ml Coca-cola diet  
21:30 250 gr Paella (2)  
21:30 150 ml Wine red table  
21:30 160 gr Peaches in slides canned  
21:30 240 ml Green tea  
Recipes & Ingredients
Sandwich (1)
  130 gr White bread  
  18 gr Ham  
  15 gr Mozzarella  
  30 gr Eggs  
Paella (2): Ingredients in the whole food
  350 gr Rice short grain white  
  180 gr Onion  
  500 gr Chicken with skin  
  180 gr Spanish chorizo  
  20 gr Unpeeled shrimp  
  30 ml Olive oil Gallo
  300 gr Tomatoes diced canned  
  30 gr Mussels  
  80 ml Fresh lemon juice  
  80 gr Green peas  
  9 gr Garlic  
  4gr Saffron  

Data Required and Useful Information

Required Data

For performing your Nutritional Assesment we need the following infromation from you:

  1. Name,
  2. birthday date,
  3. height,
  4. weight,
  5. waist circumference (optional),
  6. hip circumference (optional),
  7. Daily food record accordint to the selected Nutritional Assessment Plan.

Getting your Basic Anthropometric Measurements

Anthropometric measurement

  1. Getting your height
  2. If you don't know your exactly height, ask somebody to help you to get your height and follow the example in the picture. Please remove your shoes.

  3. Getting your weight
  4. Use a good scale for weighting yourself and you must wear minimal clothing. Try to get your weight after to get up or in the first hours in the morning. Your weight vary during the day.

  5. Getting yout waist circumference
  6. For geting your wait circumference use a metric tape and you must wear minimal clothing. Please see the picture.

  7. Getting your hip circumference
  8. For geting your hip circumference use a metric tape and you must wear minimal clothing. Please see the picture.

Weighting Foods

weighting food

Each time weight your food using a scale. When you need to weight food using a pot tare the scale with the pot to zero or otherwise you will need to substract the weight of the pot to the total weight.

Nutritional Assessment Report

After we have processed your nutritional information, as soon as possible, you will receive by e-mail a pdf file with the report of your nutritional assessment.

In the report you will get the follow information:

  • Evaluation of anthropometric measurement based on the personal data that you send us.

Report day by day:

  • Distribution of your meals calories and macronutrients during the day.
  • Group food distribution
    Nutrients distribution: Macronutrients and micronutrients distrubition compared with the Daily Allowace References values
  • Fatty acids quality distribution
  • Proteins quality distribution based on essential and no-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are compared with the FAO scoring patern and the WHO requirements.
  • Phytochemicals present in your diet.

Diet Average:

  • Average of macronutrients and micronutrients of you nutritional assessment plan compared with the Daily Allowace References values

Weights and Equivalent Measurements

1 Teaspoon (Tps) ~ 4-5 g or 5 ml
1 Tablespoon (Tbsp) ~ 15 g or 15 ml
1 cup ~ 240 ml
100 ml water 100 g
1 Ounce (oz) 28.35 g
1 Tomatoe (regular) ~ 200 - 230 g
1 Olive medium-sized ~ 3 - 5 g
Lettuce leaf bigger ~ 20 - 30 g
1 Egg large ~ 57 g
2 half walnuts ~ 7 g
1 Garlic clove ~ 3 g
1 cup uncooked rice ~ 185 g